"Hi, I'm XXX calling on behalf of Dr Maloney at Riverina Dental Albury" Pause "How are you today" Pause "May I speak with Patient First Name." Pause
I will pass this information on to Dr Maloney
"Hi Riverina Dental Albury, XXX speaking." Pause "May I start with your name, please?"
"Thanks, [Caller First Name]. May I have your phone number, please?"
"Are you calling on a patient-related matter?" Select below
"What is the age of the patient? Select below
"Okay, thanks. Are you the patient?" Select below
"I'm sorry, I don't recognise your name. Pause. Are you an existing patient or a new patient?" Select below.
"Welcome to Riverina Dental Albury! Pause. I would like to know how you found us." Pause. If the patient does not answer, read out the options below."
" Would that be someone you know, Google our Practice Signage, or Not Sure?"
Select option below.
"Thanks. When you registered as a patient, you provided us with an email address. Pause. So I can find you in our system, what is the email you used? ?"
"Thanks. I need to update the patient file with an email. Pause. What email can I use?"
"Are you calling to make an appointment?" Pause. Select below:
"How can I assist you??" Pause. Select below:
"Great! Let me help you with that. Pause. Do you want a consultation only, or are you seeking treatment?" Select below
"What is the purpose of the consultation? Record answer below
"Okay, Pause. What are you wanting help with?" Record answer below
"Please give me a few moments while I match your needs with my list of services. Pause. So I can find an appointment slot that will give Dr Maloney enough time to meet your needs."
Select the best match option below
"Okay, there may be a $120 fee charged for this orthodontic emergency."
TO DO: a 20-minute appointment for service types ticked above.
"Okay, there will be a $120 fee charged for this orthodontic emergency." Pause
Plus a $240 consultation fee, we will need a 40-minute appointment slot." Pause
" However, if you complete your Medical History and Dental questionnaire online, I can reduce the appointment time to 20 minutes and the consultation fee to $120.
Select below
"As an existing patient, there may be a $120 fee for your orthodontic emergency. I will need to set a 20-minute appointment. Select below
"For new patients with an orthodontic emergency there will be a consultation fee of $240, plus a treatment fee. We will need to find a 35-minute appointment slot." However, if you complete your Medical History and Dental questionnaire online, I can reduce the appointment time to 20 minutes and the consultation fee to $160." Select below
"I am sorry, but we do not Bulk Bill for consultations if you are not prepared or able to complete the Medical History and Dental Questionnaire online" Pause
The consultation fee will be $240 if you do not complete the required forms online."
"I am sorry, Medicare does not pay for dental services for patients 18 and over"
"Let's set your appointment. Pause. Do you have a preference for a day of the week?" Select below
"I see. Pause What is the patient's name?"
Enter name below
Is [patient first name] an existing patient at our practice? Select below
Thanks for that. Can I get their name? Pause. Select the option below
What does the caller want? Select the response below:
Can you provide what the caller wants? Select the response below:
"I'm sorry, but I don't know how to answer your inquiry. Pause. Please allow me a minute while I check to see if I can find the answer."
Knowledge Base Link
"I'm sorry, but I can't get the document you want. Pause. I will locate the document and email it to you." Pause Is there anything else I can help you with?
"I am sorry, but I am unable to answer your inquiry. Pause I will contact Dr. Maloney and get the information back to you. Pause I can email or give you a call, which would you prefer?"
"Thanks; when I locate the document you want, I will email it to you." Pause
"Dr Maloney is with patients; I can message him to contact you." Pause. What is the matter about?" Record details below.
"Do you have a reference number I can pass on to him?" Record the response below.
"Thanks. I have your contact details, and I will pass them on." Pause "Is there anything else I can help you with?"
"Nice talking to you. Pause Have a great day. Bye from me." Pause
End the Call & Submit This Form
Such as if you get
1 Stuck knowing what to say during the conversation, or
2. You have a suggestion on how to improve this form
Fill out the Form Comment box below.
First Floor Suite 1D 419 Townsend St Albury NSW 2640
T: + 61 (0) 2 6021 3848