Dental veneers are a popular cosmetic dental solution that can improve the look of your teeth to give you a natural, confident, and healthy smile.
We offer both composite veneers (also known as composite bonding) and porcelain veneers. Both composite and porcelain veneers are intended to achieve the same outcome – a happy and healthy smile – however, the application and treatment process is quite different.
Composite veneers or composite bonding is applied directly to your teeth with minimal preparation work. Composite veneers can be for a single tooth that requires restorative treatment, or it can be used where an individual is looking to improve the look of multiple teeth.
Composite veneer treatment is fast, and results can last anywhere from a few years up to five to seven years. Composite veneers are cost-effective and can be used to provide a lasting improvement to your smile with minimal treatment and at an affordable price.
Porcelain veneers or Hollywood veneers are a thin porcelain shell that is applied to the tooth. Porcelain veneers are created using a scan of your mouth to create a perfect, bright smile that complements your existing dental structure. Porcelain veneers are more expensive than composite veneers but are an ideal, long-term solution for individuals wanting a long-term solution.