Periodontal Treatment or gum disease treatment as it is commonly known is essential for supporting the structure of your teeth and supporting your jaw.
Periodontitis leads to gum recession, loosening of teeth, and can eventually lead to your teeth falling out completely if left untreated.
Lost teeth can cause further complications which can compound and lead to long-term oral health problems that can be both costly and uncomfortable.
We take a preventative approach to Periodontal treatment to catch the signs before they become bigger issues. Through regular dental checkups and cleaning, we are able to spot the early signs of Periodontal issues an provide preventative care that can save you time and stress down the line.
If you are already experiencing the effects of Periodontitis, we can also work with you to provide customised treatment to address the root cause of the issue and to prevent further degradation.
If you notice any of the signs of Periodontitis, we recommend booking an appointment as soon as possible so that we can provide an active treatment plan to mitigate any further damage.